To whom it may concern:
My name is Dr. Geoff Skinner. I am a cosmetic and reconstructive dentist in Portland, Oregon. With great pleasure, I enthusiastically recommend and endorse Todd Ferson for any top position with any business, corporation, or scientific research laboratory.
I am also the author of the world's six top-rated and top-selling dental seo expert apps, such as Dental Clinical Mastery, and the number-one-selling dental app in the world, Dental Boards Mastery.
I met Todd Ferson about 20 years ago. He recognized the potential in me and graciously offered to mentor me. I consider myself to be a very fortunate person. Mr. Ferson has kindly mentored me for many years, and I consider this one of the most pivotal moments in my life.
Todd is a very humble and positive person. If you were to meet him, he would never mention his genuinely amazing accomplishments unless you ask him specific questions. I have never known him to brag or oversell his abilities. I suspect this is because his results speak louder than his words ever could.
I will take this opportunity to detail a few of his truly amazing abilities that I have personally witnessed throughout his time in my life.
Todd created and scaled one of his own companies to the Inc. 500 list of fastest-growing companies in the world. If you were to ask Todd what he is an expert at, he might mention business, marketing, computers, science, and astrophysics. Those are only the most minuscule pieces of his true abilities. I would consider Mr. Ferson an expert in communication, business, management, leadership, marketing, SEO, ASO, Facebook, Google Ad Words, sales, influence, human relations, science, medicine, DNA, biology, nutrition, enlightenment, philosophy, micro-expressions, and a hundred other subjects. He has even mastered several different styles of martial arts.
Although he is in most ways a pacifist, I know for a fact that he trained and taught many Navy Seals how to fight.
All of this may sound truly fantastic and unbelievable, but I assure you that it is real. During my extensive time visiting his home during dental school, I witnessed him watching college courses on his computer and listening to audiobooks every day.
He always told me about the power of compounding and exponential growth and that by getting 1% better each day, at the end of each year, he wouldn't be 365% better; he would be 3778% better. I have witnessed him live like this for over 20 years. I feel I have become much better and capable by following his example.
Todd has won many awards, including Entrepreneur of the Year. His guidance was strategically successful in helping the Iowa-based company "Higher Learning Technologies" win many awards, including Mobile App of the Year (3 times), New Startup of the Year, Innovation of the Year; Recipient of $100,000 Iowa Demonstration Fund; Finalist for Mobile App of the Year; 1st Place, Des Moines Innovation Expo; Winner of Regents Innovation Development Competition; Winner of University of Iowa Business Model Competition; Winner of the Iowa Center for Enterprise Pitch Competition; and winner of the University of Iowa Pitch Competition.
I was fortunate to attend one of the best dental schools in the world, the University of Iowa College of Dentistry. I can say, without any hesitation, that I learned more from Todd than I learned from any of the best professors at one of the world's finest schools of dental medicine. I am certain that Todd is an expert on almost any subject.
I've never known him to be wrong about anything he ever taught me. When I was younger, I sometimes thought he might be incorrect about one thing or another. As time passed and I became more experienced, I realized that all the hundreds of things he taught me really were 100% accurate. I have never met any other person that I can say that about.
If you have a conversation with Mr. Ferson, I encourage you to exchange questions and answers with him. You will be amazed. If you exchange 25 questions with him, I am confident you will offer him a job. If you exchange 50 questions with him, you will probably offer him a top position. If you exchange 100 questions, you will probably ask him to be your business partner.
I am proud to give Todd Ferson my strongest possible recommendation. Sometimes, it is said that a person is one in a million. In Todd's case, he is genuinely one in 7 billion.
Dr. Geoffrey Skinner, B.A. B.A. D.D.S. Invisalign Doctor of the Year [email protected]